We don’t need (more) regulation, we just need more education

Dave Black, Blackwing’s Chief Pilot was invited to speak at the The International Association of Privacy Professionals Europe Data Protection Congress 2014; his main message was that the UK have a progressive regulatory regime in the CAA and a mature set of privacy rules in the DPA and RIPA . The talk was well received by the audience of privacy specialists and lawyers.

Civil Drone Use: Keeping It Civil with Privacy by Design

Wednesday, November 19   2 – 3 p.m.

David Black, Chief Pilot, Blackwing Aerial Services

Rainer Knyrim, Partner, Preslmayr Rechtsanwaelte, Vienna, Austria

Video drones have become smaller and more affordable for businesses and the general public and are starting to become a mass phenomenom. Whilst specialised large drone manufacturers focus their business more on military than civil use, quadcopter manufacturers offer high-definition video drones for under EUR 1,000 for small business and private use. Here, we will carve out the legal frame in which drones may be used. We’ll discuss Privacy by Design as a good solution in the future to allow for civil use of video drones. Some key ideas we’ll discuss are no-fly zones, flight route pre-programming, flight route recording and video encryption. We’ll also review sample drone videos.